Journey of a Lifetime to China, The Rogers Adoption

This is the Journey to our little girl in China!!! We have two biological boys who are wonderful, we never had the chence to try for a girl, so here we dream is coming true...please follow alomg as our year of adoption of a little girl from China begins...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sept 19th and still waiting...

another day, another rumor! Now some people are saying that the director of the CCAA is out of the country and he is the one who needs to sign off on the referrals. He is not due back until after the Holiday which will be around the 7th of October... Yesterday was the start of our 8 month of being DTC... 6-7 months.. baloney... I am getting more and more cranky at the fact that we are going to possibly have to wait even longer now to see Sydney's face. SOOOOO tired of hearing " She just isn't ready yet" or "she will be the perfect baby for you because you waited" ...
Ummm no... I may be in the minority but I don't believe that. The CCAA has ultimate control on our daughter and when we will get her- no one, and nothing else does. I am sure Sydney would have loved to have a family sooner than later, and vice versa...we have no control over this and is is both frustrating and angering. Why did this batch have to be delayed? Why us?
Nothing to say it will yet but I do believe we will not get a referral on the 29th of Sept or on October 3rd...both of the dates that were previously counted on. If this delay is true and no referrals go out until he gets back... we are looking at MID OCTOBER and I think that I will go insane. On Sept 28 we start our 8th month since LID.. if we go to Mid October...say the 15th... we will be almost to a 9 month wait. Fairness i guess doesn't come into play. Some folks waited only 5-6 months total...we would have her or be in China right now if that was the case! Why us, why Sydney!
Ok...needed to vent. Not so patiently waiting in Texas... :(
Anne Marie


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